Thursday, February 10, 2005


Ever wondered, what is faith?
Simply reliability,nothing else.
A tool to truss you to yourself,
that is all what we call,faith...

It binds up a life's tattered pieces,
it helps you to taxidermise your hollow present,
deep down within, it peps you up,
that is all what we call, faith...

In this world full of riffraffs,
it is your only guiding light,
deep within, screaming or whispering each moment,
makes sure to be heard each time,
just to guide you through.
That is all what we call faith...

It was you past, it is your present,
and it will always be in your future,
If you are alive and kicking today,
it is only because of your faith...

Faith is God, faith is mankind,
faith is family and faith is friend,
an unusual bond, a deep realisation,
that is all what we call faith...


Eyes are simply our organ of sight,the one and only organ that enables us to see, observe, adsorb and finally absorb the world around us.But the inner meaning displayed by these eyes, is deeper than their facade.
Why do experts advise you to talk to other people, by looking directly into their eyes? Thats to judge the spontanity and vulnerability of the person in front of u. Fickle and sly people never look into your eyes while a conversation.
Dilation of the pupils shows the truthfullness and extravagance of people which helps you to judge their character.
All in all EYES ARE OUR PUBLIC PROFILES, the larger & brighter your eyes are, the better is the person's topology. Small eyes signify meanness and a foggy character. Normal eyes show the gadding nature of a person
So folks, next time you go on a blind date, make sure to study the person's eyes, your judgement about him can never go wrong. I bet so!