Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Guardian Angel

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love vs Ego

Hey all!
Came across a kiddish story but actually liked it... So thought of adding it onto my blog for future reference...

"Once upon a time....there was an island far far away, called the Home of Feelings. 
Joy, Love, Ego, Care, Shame, Hatred, Magnanimity, Generosity, Kindness, Shyness, Audacity, Disgust, Frustration, Jealousy and all the feelings that we can think of lived on that island. They had been staying together on the same island for centuries and were all having a great time with each other. Each feeling played its role in a indefatigably glib manner, never drifting from its own role. 

It was just another regular pleasant morning that this island was seeing, 'Jealousy' was the first one to get ready, as it was jealous of everybody else, so wanted to be numero uno at everything. 'Care' was taking care of everything and everybody. 'Love' was loving everybody and spreading smiles. 'Hatred' was abusing everybody and hating everybody for unique reasons. 'Ego' was sitting in one corner not mingling with anybody, lost in its own world, for it felt it was better than everybody else. Activity was busy doing active-stuff as every other day, It was then that all of a sudden 'Panic' alarmed everybody by jumping up and down and running all over the entire island screaming - "Tsunami" "Tsunami" ...!!! 

Love and Care took notice of this and immediately arranged for boats to set sail towards the next island. They sent everybody on them. Jealousy was the first one to get on, while hatred still hated this happening. But things went on, everybody was busy saving their own lives, while love and care were sending everybody. What nobody took notice of, but 'love' did take notice of, was that someone was sitting in one corner and not getting on any of the boats. 'Love' reached out to him, to see who he was, it was 'EGO'. 'Love' said, "my dear friend come with me, else you will die here." After all, it was 'ego'. It kept refusing, while love kept forcing him to come along. 'Ego' kept rejecting. 'Care' tied the boat to the shore, waiting for these two to come. Unfortunately, 'careless' was on the same boat, it broke the string by mistake, which tied the boat to the shore. 'Love' did not get scared; it still loved careless, while it still kept forcing 'ego' to come along. The last boat left, Tsunami arrived, taking away the last two lives on the Island." 

Might sound tacky but the jist of the story is that, lets suppress our ego, as much as possible and start enjoying a much better life. For, ego kills love along with itself. Every relation starts looking more beautiful, when EGO gets eliminated. Let's make sincere efforts to kill that element in us from this moment onward. 

Loads of Love ...

Sunday, February 05, 2012

OMG! Its love season again!

I am not trying to play cupid . I was just sitting idle and all of a sudden came up with some ideas. Here are some tips to please your sweetheart this love season.
But before that, let me tell you a little something...
 this year, celebrate your valentine's day with great romantic and gregarious fervor, and flying colors! 
Express your promising feelings of deep and genuine love. 
Make a special and everlasting commitment to your love relationship.
Try to surprise him/her with a customized gift. Don't stress upon the gifting-thing. Take it easy... If you don't want to gift your love with something special... well then spend some nice time together :) It shouldn't cost you a fortune. But it surely will catch his/her attention... forever :P 
Still for the gift lovers-cum-givers, some easy options that I came up with are as follows...
  • A personalized message on a coffee mug
  • A romantic message in a bottle { this one's my favorite ... :) }
  • Personalized tag-necklaces
  • Lots of heart themed sweets n a plush toy with a message card
  • A doodled white T-shirt!
  • A watch case for a collector with a message card
  • Personalized Valentines jar with chocolates
  • An album full of your couple pics n doodles
  • A finger ring with a message inscribed
  • A simple candle light dinner where you serve a 3 course meal cooked by you!
  • A relaxing spa-package for the two of you :)
  • A photo locket key chain 
  • A desk accessory for your computer nerd! ( and a message card)
  • A personalized carved heart-wood cut plaque
  • A heart shaped pizza snack for the two of you - (cut out the regular pizza into a heart shape n enjoy!)
  • Play a round of scrabble with love related words only!
  • Guys like flowers too! You can gift him a customized bouquet this time 
  • A book cover case in case your love is a bookworm 
  • A polaroid Z340 Instant digital camera... just go click-click-click! :D (A lil expensive but its worth it)
  • A custom 4 liner 'Be my love' Poem ... print n frame it :)
  • Bake him/her a cake ... take a relative's help :P
  • Go on a shopping spree
  • A 'word of love' paper-weight
  • A laptop backpack ... (dont forget to stuff it with secret messages in every pocket!)
  • If he/she is a pet lover... buy the pet a treat!
  • A stole with your initials woven on it ... (again grandma's help needed this time :P )
  • A relaxing sound-machine (ipod/mp3 player... fill it with love songs!)
  • Watch a romantic comedy DVD together... else hit the theater (don't forget to have a pop-corn fight!!)
  • Sip on some red wine this time around ;)
  • A silver tie clip for the guy or a silver bracelet for the girl (don't forget to inscribe the message on it)
  • Driving Gloves for him/ Warm knit gloves for her... make him/her wear it with 'your' help
  • Pay them a surprise visit... will have her/him jumping up n down all along :D
  • If you are married and have kids... take a day off... send the kids to your mom's
  • Pack his/her room with 3 dozen helium balloons with some help from friends :P
  • Go for a couple photo shoot... Fashion portfolio sorts ;)
  • Play a round of bowling ... the love bubbles will go flying here and there :D
  • Take a salsa lesson together (will elongate the valentine's experience!)
  • Is there a water park/amusement park around? Hit it!
  • Read a Nicholas Sparks novel ... together 

Well loads of more ideas are flowing all over the world wide web...
But hope the ones i suggested will help you out this time around :)

Have a crazy happy valentine's week! 
Keep loving ... :)