Sunday, November 11, 2012

A lil fairy tale :)

I know a sparkly fairy
Whose smile works wonders...
Master of wand-less magic
Makes everyone ponder
'who is this lady after all?'
She is none other
But my mother!
Happy happy birthday Maa
May you celebrate zillions of such caked-sweet-icing laden but healthy birthdays in the years to come... :) <3

Thursday, November 01, 2012


Life's gotten a li'l wobbly
Fussing and fretting over things doubly
Steps are heavy
Head's groggy
And the world around's getting nosy

Trying to smile and go on with the flow
Hoping to see a fresh new glow
In the days to come
Lies all ma hopes
By all means
M never gonna let go

Trying to trash all the thoughts that are crappy
And deflect all menace thats sloppy

Offbalance ? Yea thats for a change
Will i sail through? Yea Yea will manage!