A very Good Morning People (In India) and for others.. Good Day, Good Afternoon or Good Evening. (Please feel free to select your type!)
I had created this blog for a selfish need i.e. to post poems (self composed) and mostly love poems, because it would be embarassing to have such things written in a secret diary at hostel/home. There is no guarantee that somebody/anybody at all would never read it... such is my privacy.Duh!
Anyway, lets not stray away from the main reason why, the first time in 5 yrs, I am blogging like a normal person. The reason is very vexatious... infact so much, that i got up at 9 today in the morning instead of my usual 10am :P (i am a sleepy head, please pardon me). I just couldnt bear to see this early in the morning (remember, early morning for me)...
...Somebody rung the doorbell, Mum was probably in the puja room (when she is in there, nothing, not even an earthquake registering 8.8 on the Richter Scale can distract her, leave alone a meager door bell!), so i was left with no choice but to drag myself out of my cozy bed, which almost is like a corporal punishment being afflicted on an innocent soul (sobs!), just so that the door would get answered. I imagined it must be the paper-boy asking for his monthly due. So i scanned my room (with my half open sleepy eyes) and spotted the purse, kept it ready just in case. But I was wrong. When I opened the door, i saw the sweeper outside the grill gate, Subro(name changed so that he dosen't sue me some day, if at all he becomes literate and a millionare). He had been ringing the doorbell constantly, for the past 20 minutes... and still he looked so calm! As usual, he was waiting for us to open the door and hand him the daily garbage packets. Inspite of me being late and making him wait for such a long time, he still bowed, smiled, folded his hands to greet me (in a namaskar) and said ... 'Didi Garbage please'... as if its one of the best things given for recompence under the sun! Like a nugget of gold or a traditional delicacy. I never ever in my life of 22yrs did enjoy taking out the garbage to the front door because the idea of holding filth in my hands (wrapped in double covers) for 10 steps would churn my insides and almost make me puke! But this guy, Subro, works with filth so casually, its his bread and butter after all! He's been taking out people's garbage, daily, for 365 days (366 in case of a leap year), some thing that he has been doing for the past... wait a second... i dont even know how long he's been our building's sweeper! That is so irresponsible of me! I do not deserve to write a post on a person about whom I do not have the least requisite data!!! But what to do... i was moved... to the core man!
The economic pundits boast that our GDP will cross $1trillion by 2010. We have achieved a remarkable rebound from the global financial crisis. There is a swift turnaround of economic fortunes. Okay, allright, I get it! Economics was never my favorite subject in school. I had a 10 marks economics portion in my 10th grade.(for which I had to slog like a one legged man in an arse kicking competition!) Some how I glided through and secured 96/100 in social science. (I bet i lost 4 in Economics only. But thanks to my Mum who knew all of it by heart and who drew me pictographs and wrote me notes and charts to help me memorize all that crap! Pardon me...but I told you.. I hated Economics!!!)
Damn where was I? Oh yeah! India's growth and developement. How is it actually affecting Subro and his family??? When there was a smooth increase in per capita GDP, he was collecting garbage and was getting paid a scanty amount. He managed somehow as he was a bachelor then. When there was recession, he got married! When there was inflation, Mom and other ladies gave him basic provisions. Okay, he is surviving through all of it, just like us. But he dosent even have the least freaking idea about what is going on at the 'ACME' and how things are supposed to affect him! Poor guy dosent even know that I am writing all this about him. (Sorry Subro.)
Am I beating about the bush? Well, what I am trying to say here is that Subro is a poor man. (Which you must have already figured out!) No I am not asking for any kind of help for him or his family. That will be taken care of. (Thanks to Mum and the ladies.) But my point is, how far are we (the lazy youngsters) trying to help them, people like Subro? We were born in affluent families, still we run after jobs with a good pay or a degree that promises an even bigger job with a higher pay. We spend 25 years of our lives studying, other 25 years, probably doing a job and raising our kids! (DAT WAS TOO MUCH!:P) And by the time we will be 50, it'll be too late to do something/anything at all!
Are they (Subro and Co.) the children of a lesser God? Please Give it a thought... My next article will be solid and heavy... Till then... Keep thinking... Please (for a second atleast.)
hello dear,i read ur article...it was really heart-touching..it will surely help the lazy youngsters to boost up and they will take 1-step to help those needy people like subro...ok thnks for posting such articles...and best of luck for ur next article...and plz wake up early ,,becoz u can hv a feel of fresh air...take care
ReplyDeletegreat job,i mean ..writing about A_sweeper n then making us think ,how we treatin the subroS around ,wat actually we r doin for them
ReplyDelete..good one
thanx guys :)