Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Hindu Wedding,,,

Hindu marriages are basically of 8 types.

  • Rite of Brahmana (Brahma) - where the father of the bride invites a man learned in the Vedas and a good conduct, and gives his daughter in marriage to him after decking her with jewels and costly garments. 
  • Rite of the Gods (Daiva) - where the daughter is groomed with ornaments and given to a priest who duly officiates at a sacrifice during the course of its performance of this rite.
  • Rite of the Rishis (Arsha) - when the father gives away his daughter after receiving a cow and a bull from the brightgroom.
  • Rite of the Prajapati - (Prajapatya) where the father gives away his daugher after blessing the couple with the text "May both of you perform together your duties" (the one which is popularly practiced these days.)
  • Rite of the Asuras (Demons) - when the bridegroom receives a maiden after bestowing wealth to the kinsmen and to the bride according to his own will.
  • Rite of the Gandharva - the voluntary union of a maiden and her lover, which arises from desire and sexual intercourse for its purpose.(this too...)
  • Rite of the Rakshasa - forcible abduction of a maiden from her home after her kinsmen have been slain or wounded and their houses broken open.
  • Rite of the Pisaka - when a man by stealth seduces a girl who is sleeping or intoxicated or is mentally disbalanced or handicapped.

The 7 vows of a human wedding.

{ First phera / first vow } - Pray to the Gods for pure and nourishing food and prosperity.

{ Second phera / second vow } - the couple appeals to the gods to give them the mental, physical and spiritual strength to lead a healthy life.

{ Third phera / third vow } - Pray for preservation of wealth and prosperity in life.

{ Fourth phera / fourth vow } - The couple invokes the gods for joy and peace by mutual love and trust in all walks of life.

The Groom says
"om mayo bhavyas jaradastaya ha"
My beloved, it is a blessing that you have walked four steps with me. You're presence in my life has made it sacred and auspicious. May we be blessed with obedient and noble children and may they live long!?
The Bride says
"lalayami cha pade vadet"
My lord, I will enrich myself from head to toe with sandalwood paste and fragrance for you. I will serve you and please you in every possible way that I can.

{ Fifth round / fifth vow } - the couple appeals to the lords for the welfare of all living beings in this world and wish for virtuous, noble and heroic children.

{ Sixth round / sixth vow } - the couple asks the gods to give them a blissful life together.

{ Seventh phera / seventh vow } - The couple prays for mutual understanding, loyalty and companionship.

The Groom says
"om sakhi jaradastayahga"
My beloved, as you have walked the seven steps with me, our love and friendship is now eternal. We have attained a spiritual union blessed by god. Now you are one with me and I offer my life to you. Our marriage will be forever.
The Bride says
"attramshe sakshino vadet pade"
My lord, as per the laws of God and the sanctity of the holy scriptures, I am your wife now. Whatever promises we made, were made with a pure mind. We will be truthful to each other in all matters and We will love each other forever.

The fourth and the seventh vows are the most important and the toughest to follow. Couples these days are so materialistc that they forget the importance of these vows. In many cases, they dont live by these vows at all. I pray all such couples get back to normal and lead a blissful life together.

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